Warehouse of Worship was birthed out of a desire to promote the worship and prophetic sound coming out of The Warehouse Church, Wales. When asked why they want to release the songs coming out of this ministry, they responded "Over the past couple years we have been singing these songs, we've experienced a move of Holy Spirit like we've never seen. We want people to experience what we have, through these songs - the undeniable presence of God"
The group is made up of songwriters, worship leaders, musicians and vocalists, who have a passion and desire to bring heaven on earth through worshipping their Creator.

Releasing a prophetic sound to the nations.


Praise Awakens
Praise Awakens was the first song birthed out of the ministry 'Warehouse of Worship'. Team members, Alana & Robyn Howells wrote and composed the music for this song together. Their heart for this song was to be an anthem of worship and catalyst for revival.
The song was inspired by the picture in Revelation 5:11 Where we see the angels gather around the throne with thousands and thousands worshipping and bowing down before the Lord. Our hearts desire is to see this take place in these last days, 'on earth as it is in heaven'.
Freedom Song
Freedom Song is an anthem of praise, declaring the victory that Jesus gives us, through His resurrection!. It was was written by Alana & Robyn Howells. The song came initially through a dream and was built upon after an urgency to write about the freedom we have because of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.
This song is a message of hope and Joy because we serve a mighty God!

Your Name (Jesus)
'Your Name (Jesus)' was written out of a desire to simply bring 'worship' to a place of completely honoring God. When Alana & Robyn wrote this song, they wanted to reflect a picture of heaven, whereby the angels gave glory to the Lord by singing "Holy, Holy, Holy"
This song invites the Holy Spirit into the room through exalting Jesus' Name.