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The Deborah Academy

Welcome to The Deborah Academy!


The Esther Academy was an incredible forerunner, establishing the women at the Warehouse Church in who they are in Christ and the power within, for the last 8 years. However, we believe the Holy Spirit is birthing 'The Deborah Academy' as the next step to position us for growth, to raise us up and establish us for the battle!


We read in Judges chapter 4 and 5 about Deborah and the significant role she played in judging God's people to bring victory and peace to the land.


Judges 5:7 ‘Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, arose a mother in Israel.’


The Deborah Academy is about the next step in spiritual maturity. We will be looking at what needs to 'cease' in our life to walk in the victory and the peace God has promised.


Women, it is time to arise and take our rightful position - as women of God, Daughters of the Most High King! 


This is an invitation to take up the call - will you?

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From March to May 2022 The Deborah Academy will be reading through the book 'Without Rival', written by Lisa Bevere.


We believe that at a time where comparison and rival has never been greater with the distractions of social media, the internet and reality TV, we need to be equipped; equipped to know who we are, and whose we are. As Lisa Bevere says we need to 'embrace our identity and purpose in an age of confusion and comparison'.


Now more than ever we need to not only find but anchor  our identity in Jesus.



MARCH 21st

We will be discussing Chapter 1


We will be discussing Chapter 2-4



APRIL 25th

We will be discussing Chapter 5-7



MAY 16th

We will be discussing Chapter 8-10



Please read these chapters before the meeting

Ladies, don't forget to book your place at the women's conference!

Fearless Conference 2022 MEDIA (1).png



Our theme is AWAKENmeaning it's time to open our spiritual eyes and spiritual ears to see what the Holy Spirit is doing and saying in these last days! 

God is speaking loud and clear. We know this because it's the decade of the mouth, and God needs the church to speak out and speak loudly. WE are the church, so the responsibility is on us to stir ourselves up out of any apathy that we may have allowed to affect our lives over the past year and a half.

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